Monday, 22 October 2007

Modeling my face III

As you can see I've done some more work on the lips, which I'm happy with now. The texture should add most of the detail to them, because its the colour that defines where the lips begin and end, not so much the shape of them. They were sticking out too much before, a bit fish-like I think.

I also cleaned up the forehead a little. That was a pain, because the relax tool wouldnt work on the central area, because it ignored the central line of vertices, So I just had to do some vertex tweaking.

The eye area is next on my list. I added an eyeball, but just as a visual aid. I took the default eyeball material from Max, and just chucked it in GIMP to change the colour from brown, then mapped it on a sphere.

Oh, thanks to Lara for the tip on using the Symmetry tool. It works great, much better than mirror, because you can change one side and affect both, and Max still regards it as one shape. It even has a checkbox to automatically weld the two sides together! No more meshsmooth issues from having two objects...

1 comment:

Leah said...

I also used the symmetry tool but if you could show me where the check box is to weld the two side together that would be brill.
I'm still having trouble with my lips looking fish like so i currently only have a bottom lip. I am going to work on this again so if possible any tips would be brilliant.