Monday, 29 October 2007

Modeling my face V

Alright, I think I'm done. NO MORE CHANGES! STOP IT!

I started doing some of the head & shoulders area, but am still a little uncertain of what to do. So I'm gonna check the tut's tomorrow to see how to start that. The ear is going to be a pain to model, and I just feel like getting this over with now, so I may rush it :(

When I get photoshop installed, I will edit the texture, because its perfectly symettrical at the mo, which is kind of weird actually. Ooh, and cover up the piercings, so I can model those instead of having them as a texture.


Jo Bowman said...

Awesome James!!!

Anonymous said...

That looks soooooooo realistic!! thats amazing! you must have spent sooo long trying to get your face to look like that! the texture looks great! i would say that you don't need to change it at all!